We also suggest you make your first run with tracing on, so add the word TRACE to the invocation statement 我们还建议您首次运行时打开跟踪功能,因此,将TRACE添加到调用语句
If you want to trace every statement in your stored procedure, you can turn on proctrace, which traces each statement inside the specified stored procedure. 如果希望在存储过程中跟踪每一条语句,可以启用proctrace,它将跟踪指定存储过程中的每一条语句。
To deal with this, you can generate a stack trace in the constructor of the exception object during the throw exception statement. 为了解决这一问题,可以在抛出异常语句期间,在异常对象的构造函数中生成一个堆栈跟踪。
The statement information panel provides additional meta information about the statement and provides a key ability to trace a statement execution back to an application's source code. 语句信息面板提供了关于语句的额外元信息,并提供了一项关键功能,可以追踪语句执行,直到应用程序的源代码。
If not, you likely get a PHP stack trace, informing you that the database connection failed or the INSERT statement did not work. 否则,您可能会得到一个PHP堆栈跟踪,告诉您数据库连接失败或者INSERT语句不工作。
For testing purposes, I recommend that you add a trace statement to the beginning of each of the interface methods I discussed earlier. 出于测试目的,建议在前面讨论过的每个接口方法的开头添加跟踪语句。
Furthermore, you are at the mercy of the developers-if no trace statement was inserted at a point you need, tracing is of no help to you. 而且,您要受开发人员的制约如果在您需要插入跟踪语句的某个地方没有插入跟踪语句,那么跟踪对您将毫无帮助。